I remember when I studied psychology, we had a whole class on social behavior and compliance.

In this class, we were taught about the Milgram Experiment, focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience.

We also studied various cases in history where human beings complied to horrible behavior under the influence of a strong authority figures (World War 2 is a typical example).

What surprised me the most during those classes, was that almost everybody made fun of the people involved in obedience/compliance scenarios.

It was usual to hear things like:

“People were so stupid back then to report Jewish people to Nazis. I would never have done that.”

It surprised me because what made people do that was a completely different context, environment and set of rules.

Most students initially felt like they were smarter and would never have obeyed.

I wasn’t so sure.

I wondered how far I could have gone, under pressure of the authority, without complying.

Some made fun of me for even wondering this.

Today, we are living the strongest and largest compliance experiment, at the scale of the whole humanity.

The amount of nonsense we hear daily from governments is insane, yet everybody obey.

In France, you need to write yourself an authorisation to go out of your house.

In several countries, there is a curfew and you can’t leave your house at night.

In another country, you can go out jogging, but no longer than 2 hours.

And people comply.

Because authority figures (governments and health organisations) tell us it’s for out own safety.

Most people reading this will even feel like defending those measures,

and telling me I’m such an idiot for not understanding how important this is, to “fight the virus”.

I would bet those people are the same who were so sure they’d never obey when in a compliance under authority scenario.

Because it takes awareness to recognize our own cognitive weaknesses.

And you can’t see anything coming when you’re so sure you’re better than others.

Everything is here for the perfect compliance experiment.

1) A common ennemy
2) An authority figure
3) A good reason

Government / Health Organization: “You need to do X and Y to prevent the virus from spreading, because it will make everybody safer.”


The reason why it works so well today, is because we don’t only have one authority, but several.

WHO + Governments + Media, are all telling you what to do to protect yourself and others.

And you obey, because it takes less energy than questioning it, because the context and the environment makes you stop listening to your own conscience.

Of course, wearing a mask, lockdowns and curfews aren’t the same as reporting Jewish to nazis.

What is similar is the compliance scenario formula, in which the vast majority of people obey to authorities without questioning it thoroughly.

We give up a lot of the freedoms we inherited from our ancestors who fought for them, without even fighting to keep them.

This will go on for years.

Locking down, then masks, then lockdown again, then curfew, then christmas cancelled, then hope of a vaccine, then vaccine made free and mandatory…

Want me to bet on what’s next?

Here is what will happen:

1) Vaccine works only partially and/or virus mutates, so we still need to wear mask/lockdown..

2) Then a new vaccine is found, and everybody who want to travel and/or live normally has to take it

3) Virus mutates again and/or a new pandemic appears

4) Repeat everything from the beginning

Once you give up your freedoms for government-backed “security/safety”, you NEVER get them back.

And you all thought 1984 and Matrix were fictions.

They were supposed to be warnings.

They ended up as a textbook.