I hear a lot about this “doing what feels right is always the right thing to do”, and I’d like to share another perspective.

There is a lot to learn about what’s right, in doing things that don’t necessarily feel right.

Like having this conversation we really don’t want to have.

Or forgiving this person that we really hate.

Or even accepting those things we really wanna fight against.

What doesn’t feel right can often lead to unexpected awesome results.

Sometimes it takes several layers of things that feel completely not right, before we reach this point that does indeed feel right.

But we can only connect the dots looking backward.

After things happen, it’s easier to make sense of then.

It’s very hard to say today if the actions we’re going to take will indeed lead to something that is right. Or not.

Ultimately, we are the ones who decide how right or not something is for us, by learning from it and accumulating wisdom from each experience.

But doing what feels right is not always the right thing.

First, because we don’t really know yet what’s the right thing.

Then, because sometimes, doing what feels right can also lead to awful results.

Because it feels right doesn’t make it right.

External factors can lead us to feel like something is right, when it actually isn’t.

The human history is full of examples.

Our intuitions and our feelings are not always right.

Because most of us (including me) need to be more in touch with our feelings, doesn’t mean that we need to solely rely on them.

We need both.

Of everything.

We need what’s right, and what’s not.
We need our feelings, and our mind.
We need the pain, and the pleasure.

Since nothing exists, without its opposite.

Why would you only do, what feels right to you?