Have you ever been stuck in one of those loops from hell?

You’re not alone.

Most people won’t even admit it.

We don’t talk enough about it.

Because it doesn’t “look good” to say it.

But I know a lot of you have been there.

Those loops from hell are important, because they can silently ruin your life, without you even noticing.

You get used to them.

They become your definition of normal.

But it you don’t break the cycle, you become a zombie.

Your soul is being farmed by those who profit from the attention you put on your phone 10h per day.

Remember Matrix?

Same stuff.

So, what is a loop from hell anyway?

I just made the name up.

But basically it’s a vicious cycle you’re not aware of.

Which drags you down without you noticing.

Here below is an example of the one I need to break every once in a while.

Not enough sleep
Low mood + Low energy + Mental fog
Low Performance / Low action on what matters
Low Satisfaction
Feeling useless/miserable
More Dopamine/Sugar Crave & “High” Chasing (phone, netflix..) to compensate
Sleeping Much Later because of scrolling the phone for hours
Not enough sleep

See how the first and the last steps are the same?

Yeah, well, that’s a loop.

From hell.

The more it runs your days, the more it reinforces itself and become your new normal.

Speaking of which, the global response to covid is a massive loop from hell as well.

But it would deserve a post of it’s own.

So, how to break it?

Well, I made a $97 program which..

..nah, joking.

To break a loop, you need to open it somewhere in the cycle.

I know, sounds easier than it is.

For me, what works it to solve the sleeping issue first.

“Turn phone off after 10PM for 30 days”, is an example of how to break the loop.

It works because it’s easy, and doesn’t require a lot of energy.

Still, it needs you to make a choice, and respect it.

I find it easier than working on the other parts of the loop.

Whet matters is to open the loop somewhere where you can have an impact on.

You can’t just decide to higher your satisfaction, for example, because it is a consequence of the rest.

Whatever you loop from hell looks like, identify where you can inject the smallest amount of energy possible to break it.

Then commit to it for a month.

And reevaluate after a month, to decide whether you keep going or not.

I hope this will help at least 1 person who needs to read this.

Writing it initially for myself as an encouragement to break my own loop after falling back into it.

No shame in being imperfect.

Let’s own our downsides, and not hide behind just to look better,

Nobody cares, we all fight our own demons.
