Did you know that it costs less than $50 to filter 7,000L of the most polluted water into the cleanest drinking water?

For some models, it’s even as cheap as 0,2$ for 100L of drinking water.

I learnt this from Jeroen, who has been living in Bali for the past 5 years, and is the official Nazava partner on the island.

We met today to talk about sustainable water filtering solution, and he brought me this Nazava gallon for the Hustlers Villa.

What blew my mind is not only that filtering water is super cheap,

but that those life changing and highly affordable solutions are still far from being mainstream.

It’s convenient because it allows you to drink the tap water in Bali.

And it literally saves life when Jeroen sent them in Lombok and Palu following the recent disasters, to help those who lost everything to at least have clean water and survive.

With solutions like this ones, it makes clean water so affordable and safe,

it’s a shame people still trash the ocean with plastic gallons and bottles, and waste their money at the same time (it’s 30x cheaper)

Each filter can be replaced after 2/3 years (7,000L), and cost $9.

And with those in hand, you could even drink water from the sewer.

This is on the top of our list for the water filtering solutions for www.reconnect.id.

And starting next week, we will stop using water gallons at Hustlers Villa and educate the residents to filtering their own drinking water.

Big changes take time, 
and start with small actions.

Get more infos: www.social-impakt.com

P.S.: I am not affiliated, just supporting here.