“Yes, but you create your own luck, right?”

This is what people tell me, when I tell them I believe in luck.

How can someone be pragmatic and rational, yet still say that he believes in luck? Right?

It starts with a definition.

What is luck?

Luck, or randomness, is the result of billions of billions of billions of factors, happening all at the same time.

It’s the combination of all those things you can’t control,

because they are the consequence of other things you can’t control either.

“Yeah, ok, but you can always impact things right?”

Yes, you can impact some things.

Not everything.

That’s why it’s important to understand what luck really is.

It’s more empowering to know exactly what you can impact, rather than believing you can, or should, impact everything.

Luck is the 99% of things you can’t change.

I know, people don’t like it.

We like to think we control things.
We like to make sense of things.

But really, we can just impact this tiny 1%.

Yes, we could potentially impact anything.
But we can’t impact everything.

For example, I have little to no impact on: politics, laws, weather, drivers on the road, people in general, natural disasters, where I come from, how I’ve been raised, the past..

And I am glad I can’t change any of it.

“Wait, so do you say your life is predetermined?”

I don’t.

I just think I only have an impact on the 1%,
not the 99%.

And it’s great,
because it’s relieving.

You don’t need to feel any pressure,

when you know what you can change, and what you can’t change.

Trying to change everything,
leads you to change nothing.

Don’t waste your time and energy on things you can’t do anything about.

When shit happens, we can dwell and wish we could change the shit.

Or we can accept the shit, and focus on the 1%:
learning from it, and taking action based on what happened.

It’s great to feel like we can possibly do anything, that we can change the World, that the law of attraction will make the universe conspire to manifest what we want…

What’s even better, is to identify the single best action or decision we can make, and focusing on it, like a laser.

Lasers get devastating results, because they focus all their energy and intensity, on a single point.

Lasers focus on the 1%.

When you try to change everything, you don’t focus.

You’re like a flashlight.
You change nothing.

That’s why I believe in luck.

Not because I believe I can’t impact things with my own actions.

But because I know I can’t impact everything.

So I focus on what I can change,
and accept what I can’t change.

When I’m lucky, all of what’s around me converge towards my goal and, and things get done quicker.

When I’m not lucky, things take more time,
and I need to focus harder, and longer.

The universe won’t conspire to break the walls on my way to greatness, just because I want it.

The walls will break because I put so much energy and focus on a single spot, that it can’t resist.

The 99% will, or will not, help.
The 99% are a multiplier of my effort on the 1%.

But I don’t need to care,
because those are things I can’t control.

And I wish other people would do the same.

Focusing on what they can actually impact for the time being.
Focusing on what actually depend on them.

But I can’t change, what other people do.

What I can do is to share those words.

And eventually, someone, somewhere,
will resonate with them.

Thank you for reading and sharing.