In America, people think more CO2 in the atmosphere is a great thing because plants love CO2.

It’s weird that humanity created internet, giving us instant access to peer-reviewed scientific knowledge in seconds..

..Yet it seems like we are super fine with remaining ignorant and complacent while we are living the highest level of environmental emergency state we’ve ever reached.

It’s like running into a wall at 1,000km/h, seeing the wall, knowing it will kill us, yet refusing to slow down, claiming that the wall doesn’t exist anyway.

Life is known to exist only on our planet, yet we can’t appreciate and respect how lucky we are.

If we see Earth as a living organism, we’re like a cancer destroying it slowly, and from an evolutionary standpoint, we don’t deserve to be here.

The species that can’t bring any benefit or adapt to the environment disappear.

Here we are, disappearing while thinking we are thriving.

Our ability to believe in stories that we know aren’t true, helped us to create religions, nations and cultures.

It helped us dominating as a specie.

But it seems that this same ability is what makes us deny the reality of our own extinction to come.

May the majority of us break free from our illusion and understand how urgent this matter is.

May we all work together to stop being cancerous, and start empowering our planet.

May we stop denying we are killing ourselves.

We are the product of what happens when our entire specie is seeking happiness more than we are seeking the truth.

We were sold on the idea that happiness is something to pursue, when it’s an emotional state we can live everyday, without buying anything.

The truth hurts.

But burying our head in the sand won’t make it go away.

We don’t see it, but it’s still happening.