When you look beyond the official narrative, and understand this is all a big, big game, things start to make more sense.

Think about it as a story.

Who is telling the story?
Who is writing it?
Who are you told is the hero?

As long as you stay within the narrative, you can’t outgrow the dimension you are set to live into.

A few hundreds of people are leading the game and writing its rules.

You can hate them all you want, you still live within the frame they built for you.

The only thing you can do now is:

1) Being aware you live within a pre-made frame
2) Invest to either win with them, or win despite them
3) Stop confusing OFFICIAL and REAL/TRUE

Because most believe into something doesn’t make it more true.

Remember scientists and governments used to believe Earth was flat, and that drilling holes in one’s skull would cure mental diseases.

Right now, metaphorically, we are like this tiny Mario character on the screen, moving in 2-dimension pre-made worlds.

Most of us aren’t even aware there is a third dimension in which people build our limited 2D frames.

This is how this is.

And screaming that elites are evil is extremely useless.

It’s not about evil or good.

It’s about how things are,
and what we can do to thrive.

Your attention and time are very limited.

Be mindful how you invest them.