This big baby traveled all the way from Bali to Central Sulawesi for the past two days.

Finally arrived in Ampana, tired and stressed, not understanding what happened to him.

After taking a shower, drinking a ton of water and eating snacks, he started to come back to being himself.

Will take a while for him to adjust.

As I am writing those words, he is laying down next to me and Ladiina in the boat, and looks happy to finally have some fresh air.

Locals there were curious and scared at the same time. Muslims aren’t used to have dogs as pets.

Or so I understood.

Heading to the island now, where I hope he will have a happier life than staying in the garden in my house in Bali, without any friend to play with.

Will try to teach him how to chase goats, which are everywhere and eating everything they find on our land.

Selamat datang di pulau Semangat.