Don’t fight people, fight the mindset.

Part of the problem is that we reward accumulation, when we should reward impact.

Money is great, as a tool to build.

But wealth accumulation for the sake of it is dangerous, as we can see today.

Most of the deepest troubles our civilization faces are linked to the 0,1% taking advantage of the 99,9%..

..just so they can accumulate more wealth that they won’t do anything with.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not dwelling on capitalism, saying it’s evil.

I think that it’s gone wrong,
in spite of all its undeniable virtues.

A lot of people have the power to make a structural impact, but they won’t, because they want to keep accumulating more wealth.

It’s a shame, because most of the crisis we face already have solutions.

But here we are, judging our neighbors for eating meat, discriminating other faiths, and blaming our friends for using a plastic straw.

I always thought, as a kid, that people with money and power were way smarter than me.

When I heard of a problem in the World, I thought: “it’s ok, some people at the top know how important it is to solve, they’ll do something about it.”

But people with more money aren’t smarter.

They are just better at accumulating wealth and maintaining power.

It doesn’t make them better human beings than you and I.

It doesn’t make them care about our World so they can keep thriving in it.

If the way to get a voice in this World to make a difference goes through wealth and power,

Some of us would rather quickly get to work, and use this wealth and power, to help transforming the current paradigm.

Because down here, most people are busy suffering or denying.

And up there, the 0,1% are busy swimming in their golden illusions, refusing to see what’s happening.

They cut the branch on which they are sitting to get more wood, ignoring that falling from up there will kill them at once.

A lot of things don’t make sense.

And we can do so much better to thrive and live an abundant life.

It starts with awareness.
And it continues with massive action.

We are not fighting each other,
We are not fighting governments,
We are not fighting the top 0,1%,

We are fighting a mindset.

And to defeat it,
we need to adopt a new one.