If your current mission/dream/goal sounds like: “I want to be financially free and travel the World”, maybe it’s time to change the angle.

Visualisations and manifestations are powerful, but you can’t manifest something as vague as this.

Instead, start with what you can’t stand, with what you are 100% sure you don’t want to live with.

You can’t just say “I want to have money” or “I want to have more freedom”.

Well, you can say it, but it won’t lead you anywhere you’ll thrive.

Think about what you absolutely don’t want.

Think about what makes you suffer, what makes you angry, what makes you cringe.

And start from there.

Go wherever those things don’t exist.

When you get there, adjust your shot based on the new informations you have.

Probably less than 0.1% of the people out there have a crystal clear idea of what their life mission is.

So when you get told to “achieve your dreams”, it’s assuming you know what this dream is all about.

Honestly, I have no idea what my biggest dream is

But I can write a 10,000+ words article about all I absolutely don’t want into my life.

Start from the pain, 
and solve this one thing first.

Do it the same way you build a successful company.

Start with a problem, and find a better solution than what’s on the market.

I know it sounds weird in a time when labels seem to be everything.

When “I want to be an entrepreneur/digital nomad” sounds more cool and hype than “I want to solve this problem”.

But you don’t have to believe me.

Keep living by extremely vague and generic goals, and see how much you love your life 5 years from now.

Or try to gain self awareness, while walking away from what holds you back, by starting with your very own pains.

And just work on this one thing first.

  • I never dreamed I’d build an online entrepreneurs community in Bali with Hustlers Villa, but I noticed how lonely I was while building my E-Commerce business, and felt like living with other people working online would be helpful.
  • I never dreamed I’d start to develop a virgin island and build an eco-resort in Indonesia with Reconnect, but I see how much of a cancer humanity is for the planet hosting us, and I just want to be part of the cells trying to heal it.

It doesn’t sound sexy to focus on solving your own shit, one pain point at a time, but I believe it will lead you further that those generic/unspecific grand dreams.

Solve one thing,
adjust from there,