I’d rather fall for a very well engineered deception, than constantly calling out low level bullshit.

It’s incredible how people seem to be fine with being mediocre, even when doing “bad stuff”.

Telling obvious lies, low level manipulation, stealing in front of your eyes..

If you decide to embrace a darker way, at least become great at it.

Otherwise, it’s like failing twice.

First for becoming a “bad guy”,
Then, for still being mediocre.

We can (somehow) admire some of the highest level criminals, because they craft and execute genius strategies and plans.

And they succeed, all while being against the rest of the World.

There is a lot to learn from them.

But when you tell obvious lies (and expect people to fall for them), you put yourself in the lowest of the lowest categories of human beings down here.

You’d rather fail at being good, than fail at being bad.

So tell better lies, or don’t lie at all.